1. When some one says you shud say but it is better that u answer as Wa-'Alaikum-as-Salaam wa Rahmatullaah or as Wa-'Alaikum-as-Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh These 2 links from central-mosque.com will help u Very good site for a beginner like me. http://www.central-mosque.com/fiqh/fiqhgreet.htm http://www.central-mosque.com/fiqh/salam1.htm 2. As brother quoted earlier, in UK Day of Ashura (10th Muharram - Day of Qiyamah) will befall on 16th Dec. So UK will observe fasts on 15th & 16th OR 16th and 17th. 3. Are u a new revert brother?? Hope I helped.. JZK