The Looting of Libya : Beloved Al-Qaeda Mujahedins of NATO to implement Sharia ?
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09-01-2011, 12:00 AM
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Oct 2005
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The Looting of Libya : Beloved Al-Qaeda Mujahedins of NATO to implement Sharia ?
Time will prove what these fighters will bring to Libya. Slavery to Western banking elites ?
Or , Shariah based state ?
By the way, there is already a new central bank established by the rebel fighters. Who benefits ?
In handing Libya to Al Qaeda, the line has been forever crossed.
First - let's not labor under any delusions. Obama, Cameron, and Sarkozy are heads of state in name only. It is the depravity and megalomania amongst the banks, corporations, and the institutions they have contrived, that are responsible for the most egregious betrayal in Western history. For 10 years the West's leadership have stirred up hatred and fear amongst their populations to justify a lengthy and very costly global war that has sent US, British, Canadian, German, French, and many other troops, around the world, into dangerous adversity, and ultimately to their graves to fight "the forces of terror."
Now, almost as if savoring the irony, the New York Times, on behalf of the corporate-financier oligarchs that presume dominion over the Western world, fully admit that Al Qaeda terrorists, men who literally killed US troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan are now in Libya and are the benefactors of billions of dollars in Western aid, diplomatic recognition, training, weapons, the lending of intelligence assets, the full unwavering support of the West's "media," NATO-member air support, and even graced with Western special forces fighting side-by-side with them on the ground. This timely confession is also in response in part to revelations that the Libyan rebel commander now filling the streets of Tripoli with indescribable horror is a hardcore Al Qaeda leader, reported first in the Telegraph months ago, and again this week on RT and covered in depth by respected geopolitical analyst Dr. Webster Tarpley.
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