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Old 12-06-2011, 11:34 AM   #3

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Oct 2005
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Good initiative.

1. Who were the two wives of Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam upon whom Allah Ta'aala conveyed His Salaams? 2. Who is known as "Yusuf (Alaihis Salaam) of this Ummat"? Umar Radiyallahu anhu named him this due to his breathtaking handsomeness. Musab ibn Umair (ra) ?
3. Which Sahaabi Radiyallahu Anhu was known to be the most obedient to his mother? 4. He could run faster than a horse and his shout could be heard over a distance of five miles. On the occasion of "The treaty of Hudaybiah" this Sahaabi Radiyallahu Anhu took the oath of allegiance to fight until death thrice upon the blessed hands of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi Wa Sallam. What was this Brave Sahaabi Radiyallahu Anhu's name? 5. Nabi Sallallahu alaihi Wa Sallam had eleven uncles. Only two accepted Islam. Name them? S'ad ibn Abi Waqqas(ra)? (He was called as the maternal uncle, but He is actually the son of Rasoolullah 's Mothers cousin).

Edit: Hamza(ra) and Abbass(ra)

Will do some digging up and post later.
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