Name the Sahabi (R.A)
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12-20-2011, 08:01 AM
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Oct 2005
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1. Hadhrat Umar (Radiyallahu Anhu) once saw one of the wives of Rasulullah
walking at night-time with the intention of relieving herself. He did not approve of this unnecessary exposure and upon this the verse of Purdah (veiling) was revealed in the quran. Who was the blessed wife of Rasulullah
2. What was Hadhrat Abu Bakr
's full name? `Abdullah ibn `Uthman (ra)
3. For which Sahabi
did Rasulullah
make Dua of Barkat (blessings) in his trade? (It is said that, had he sold soil, he would also make a profit.) Abdur Rahman ibn Awf (ra) ?
4. Which Sahabi
had diligently offered his services to Rasulullah
for ten years? During this entire period Rasulullah
never as much scolded or frowned at him. Anas ibn Malik (ra)
Bukhari,Volume 8, Book 73, Number 64:
Narrated Anas:
I served the Prophet
for ten years, and he never said to me, "Uf" (a minor harsh word denoting impatience) and never blamed me by saying, "Why did you do so or why didn't you do so?"
5. Who was Rasulullah
's adopted son? Zaid ibn Haritha (ra)
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