Yes, Imam Malik (ra) used to give the Amal of the people of Madinah of His period more importance than 'Ahad' hadith(which has only a single sanad), even if it was Sahih. You think Imam Malik (ra) doesn't respect Hadith? Do you know Imam Malik (ra) used to relate hadith only while he was in Wudu. He used to sit on a throne like chair to relate Hadith of the Prophet , He did Not use horses while he was in Madina because he respected the blessed body of Rasoolullah which is in Madina. Are you saying this person who revered hadith so much doesn't know what he is doing when at times he preferred the amaal of the people of Madina in his time. There isn't a single person alive today who has the intellect and the knowledge of Imam Malik (ra), and you think you know better. Brother don't be deluded. Don't listen to Shaytaan's whispers. P.s. Now You might mention Imam Shafi'i didn't agree with Imam Malik(ra). Well Imam Shafi'i is also a Mujdthahid, He has the ability to exercise Ijtihad. Such type of 'valid' Ikhtilaaf is permitted, go refer the hadith of banu qurayza. If you want to create fitnah and doubt among innocent Muslims, please go elsewhere. Ithaqullah.