to marry or not to marry- that is the question
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12-24-2011, 11:17 PM
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Oct 2005
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May Allah swt reward you immensely for taking steps to protect yourself from sin. Ameen.
1. Salat. Guard your 5 daily salats no matter what, regardless of where you are, who you're with, what kind of situation you're in. Salat gets priority over everything else, period. This is a no-brainer which we neglect way too often. Insha'Allah salat keeps sin away from us.
2. Always be doing Zikr. Make it a habit to always, always, always be reciting "Allahu Akbar", "Subhan Allah", "Alhamdulillah", any surahs you know by heart, and any type of Zikr of Allah :swt:. While you're walking, sitting, eating, driving, in the bus... Just anything except for being in the bathroom etc, do Zikr. Do it aloud when possible, in your heart otherwise. Do it so much that it becomes tough to control it from happening while you're in the bathroom or somewhere you should rather not do it.
3. Tahajjud. Even if it means waking up 15 minutes before Fajr and praying 2 rakats before fajr time enters.
Praying at night in loneliness and begging Allah swt to keep you steadfast and on the right track is a major key to Insha'Allah staying steadfast when you're out and about during the day and come across opportunities to get involved in something you shouldn't.
4. Fasting. This is also very, very important. Ideally try to make it part of your routine to fast 2-3 times weekly. Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays is sunnah so maybe Insha'Allah adapt that habit. If not, then once a week, once bi-weekly, "here and there", just make sure fasting is a consistent part of your life.
5. The friends you make. This can make or break you. Keep a very limited amount of female friends, ideally those who also practice the deen like, Masha'Allah, you do. If you have an option between having 100 random friends or having 1 practicing Muslim (female) friend, go with the 1 friend. If for some reason all the females at that school are "party girls" (highly unlikely but to make my point), then have no friends and be a 'loner'. Remember you have Allah swt and all that He has given you, and in the end He is the only one you need to please. Those are suggestions for female friends. When it comes to male friends, you need to understand that that is out of the question... No ifs, ands, or buts. If Allah swt has decreed for you to meet your husband at this school, then you will meet him regardless, even if you try with all your might to avoid him. ONLY communicate with males when necessary in regards to school work, and that's it. No one on one meetings with males, only in group settings with both genders regarding school work... No going for dinner/hanging out in mixed gatherings. You get the idea.
6. Educate yourself on matters of deen. Read Quran with tafsir, Hadith, and other books. Alhamdulillah, an abundance of good reading material is available online, via phone apps and what not these days. Take advantage of these things and read whatever free few min you get here and there, even if it's a few lines of a book at a time on your phone while you're running around during the day. Implement as many Sunnahs into your life as possible.
7. Dua, dua, dua. Always, always, always. If Allah :swt: doesn't help us, then we are in trouble. Always, always ask, rather beg Him, to keep you away from bad and close to good. The second you have a bad thought, start doing Zikr. Make ayat-ul-kursi one which you recite abundantly, as part of your ongoing Zikr.
8. Most importantly, remember we are all going in the grave sooner or later... just always keep that in your head whenever a bad thought to do something which you shouldn't do crosses your head.
May Allah swt forgive me if I said anything wrong.
Please make dua to Allah swt to give you, me, and all of us the tawfeeq to implement these virtuous acts into our lives. Ameen.
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