This work should be binned. The person concerned was not learning in tafseer and is greatly influenced by then political upheavl (carl marx, socialism). His earlier work was very good but his latter work caused many of his supporter to leave the organisation and was thoroughly rebuttled. He also criticised many of the prophets and Salf us salheen as if he was more learned then the prophet and people of first 4 generation. One would get the idea relegion is nothing more then a form of ism. Islam is not an ism. Stick to orthodoxy. Mariful Quran takes from all the classical tafseers and relates it to contemporary world. Once you have gone through mariful Quran venture into Tafseer e Jalalyn, Katheer, Qurdubi, Dariabadi, Bayanul Quran, Nurul Quran etc. but never Tahfimul quran by Mawdudi.