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08-31-2011, 02:29 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
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Yet another memorable Bombay trip
Alhamdullillah by the grace of Allah, I was fortunate to stay 2 days in the company of the elders and be of service to them in the blessed month.
the purpose of this visit was to be in the company of haji shakeel ahmd db (khalifah of Hz Mufti Hanif sb jonpuri).to know more about him,plz visit
As usual dr abu tamim sahib who shows much humbleness towards our plight, even when he is so busy with his occupation and while keeping his fast, made a 2 hr journey in his car from Bombay to came to panwel
on thrusday at the time of asr we arrived in panwel which is near bombay Haji sahib lives here..
Haji sahib has a special attentive and kind eye on me and holds a very good opinion about me. May Allah make his opinion true. He arranged our breakfast at his home and it was very nice iftar we enjoyed at his home.
after isha namaz, haji sahib insisted I lead the taraweeh prayer eventough I refused. I desire this action will b a source of my deliveranceon the day of judegment.
After taraweeh, as an exception, there was a short bayan and this was followed by a long 1.30hr duaa.A duaa that was full of weeping and a duaa as if it was once in a lifetime. We had previously heard of this practice and now we witnessed it. (
is that small bayan and dua)
By Allah’s mercy and with the blessings of haiji sahib, I went on the net to upload his bayan. While hazrat was near me, I received a telephone call from bilal bhai patel from Toronto. He informed that upon your request to talk to shaikh fazlurahman sb aazmi db(shaikhul hadeeth Azadville), I have introduced your goodself to him and enquired if you want to talk to him now. Saying this he handed the mobile to him. I was lost for word out of joy listening to this event.
After duaa and the sunnah greetings, he requested permission from hazrat to read a hadeeth. Hazrat said how are you? I said : Shall I read the last hadeeth of bukhari shareef? He said ok so I read it. He requested (permitted me) me to give the sanad of this hadeeth from sihahe sitta (6 authentic hadeeth books). ALhmadullilah, I also talked to him about internet and website. He espressed his happiness and gave his duaas.
On the next day, even with His illness, Hazrat gave a bayan after jumma prayers. It was and unusal long bayan. He explained at length how our fikr (worries and concentration, attention) should be. The bayan was very beneficial.(
is that bayan)
We then requested his permission to leave. He gave us lots of farwell duaas and his son came to see us leave at the railway station.
May Allah reward them all.
We learnt from the bayan after jumma that mufti hanif jonpuri db (hazrat’s sheikh) was in making I’tikaf at a place on muahmmed ali rd in Bombay. We were very happy to learn this and as soon as we arrived in Bombay, after magrib namaz and iftar, we set forth to meet him. As it was the first time we had to ask someone to point to us where mufti sahib was in the masjid. They pointed us to an elderly shiakh in a corner.
when we reached him, we were full of joy seeing this pious servant of Allah. After introduction and the reason as to y we had come, I asked some questions and mufti sahib replied. As he is quiet elderly we were unable to record the conversation. However some of the questions and answers are as follows:
Me - How old are you?
Hazrat - 102 yrs
Me - From who did u acquire ur knowledge?
Hazrat - From Shah Wasiullah – Khalifah khaas of molana thanwi ra.
Me - BUkhari sharif?
Hazrat - The complete bukhari, 12 times from him. And I stayed in his service for 18 years. Once I upset him regarding something and he didn’t talk to me for 2 yrs.
Me - For how many years have you been teaching?
Hazrat - Since 64 yrs. First 24 yrs in hazrat’s madara. Thereafter a few years at buraini and sarai mir. At present I don’t teach at any place. Whensome people request I go and teach. Last year I went to teach at Madarsa of Qari Ahmed Ali Falahi.
Me - I need to take permission for Hadeeth from you
Hazrat - From whom have you read (learnt) bukhari shareef?
Me - from qari rashid ajmeri sb db
Hazrat - What is the need then! When you hv already learnt from elders.
ME: TO get your blessings and get your permission
Hazrat - I don’t have the book here.
Me: Can I read the last hadeeth to you?
Hazrat - OK
I then read the hadeeth form bukhari and Hazrat gave me and my colleague the ijazah (permission) and said when you will teach to others I will also get a share from the reward.
Me: I have a friend from UK in Kuwait and he is also requesting permission.
(I was hinting at skhaikh muhammed danial haf )
Hazrat; yes I give him permission too.
After Salam and greetings of farewell we departed.
May Allah give us the tawfeeq and ability to tred on the footsteps of these pious elders.
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