How to develop zeal/interest/ love for deen among women?
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05-10-2009, 04:31 PM
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How to develop zeal/interest/ love for deen among women?
Assalamu alaikum
Generally, there is more awareness of deen and concern for acting upon it among the men than women.
But there are women too, who are much better than some men in aspects of deen.
But we have to be fair.
Men get greater opportunities to sit in the company of pious, listen to advises and speeches of great ulama, to travel in the path of Allah with a jamat concerned with akhira.
Even if some of the men they dont attach themselves with deen, some brothers (dawat tableegh) go to them and remind them... and slowly, slowly create aleast some awareness or love for deen.
But unfortunately, for the women the opportunities are very few (IMHO).
They are restricted within their houses ( which is actually recommended keeping in view the fitnah prevailing outside). They do not get opportunity to sit in the company of pious women ( where are pious women?
). They don't go out, so they cant listen to speeches of ulama... And mastoorat jamat is a bit difficult as they have to leave their children behind... The only company they get is women who gossip and backbite about others...
Also, some develop a dislike for deen when they feel their 'religious' husbands/brothers( menfolk of their household) are not very sincere. This feeling of insincerity arises when the aklaaq of men is not good. They shouldnt be looking at the faults of others but they feel that the people whom they consider as role models aren't
very good
, then they distance themselves from deen.
They then get influenced by the environment and worry about lack of improvement in aspects of wealth/prestige( simply saying: dunya)...
Then they get a feeling that the lack of improvement and deelpment is because of deen... and start feeling deen as a hindrance...
Some dont leave deen completely as they have some understanding of deen but they are not satisified inside .. they just perform the rituals in order pacify their conscience.
Okay, enough of the ramblings.. A friend of mine asked me some advise regarding the development of concern for deen aming his household. I was not able to provide much help... So that's why I am asking you guys.
While answering keep in mind, the women in a city atmosphere or atleast in town are luckier than women in villages...
Coz in cities and town something happens....while in villages nothing does happen...( I mean by happpenings.....religious events....visits by scholars ..etc).
Once in a while a jamat will come to the villages..... and mastoorat( ladies) jamats come once in decades...
In, the city/town mahul, atleast ladies can go to weekly taaleems, attend some bayans and they can keep in touch with women who share the concern for deen and have a zeal for deen.....
In some places there are even madrassas for women...
But the condition in villages is different....Even though there isnt very much fitnah ... there isnt much interest to act upon deen...
In citiy atmosphere... there is too much fitnah and at the same time you have people with overwhelming zeal for acting upon deen..
would like to know the experiences of sisters in developing their zeal and eagerness for deen and the advises of pious people with regards to developing concern for deen among the women of the household..
Some of the statements are just my point of view. I dont have much knowledge. I have stated what I feel is true not what is proved to be true. So you will have to excuse my shortcomings.
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