Watch Out!! There's a Naqshbandi Army in Iraq!!!
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01-13-2008, 12:54 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Silly assertions from people who have
never killed an animal
much less a human being, nor
learned how to pull a bow
much less hold a gun,
ride a horse
, or mastered
even one martial art
, or who have
not taken a bullet,
or who have
not sat in prison of a torturous anti Islamic state
, have little to say to real Haqqani's.
One should remember that anonymity is the first security blanket of the frightened.
Haqqanis *are* a Khalidiyya branch, and hardly minor seemingly for all the hate and attention we get on this forum.
Shaykh Maulana Nazim's Shaykh, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani was directly from that lineage of Khalidyya Daghestani and Chechan Shaykhs. For all the attention some internet personalities and some converts videos get, most of the mureeds are actually from those areas.
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