This laptop everything is on the cloud although has windows 7. The only other app is a download manager and KMPlayer. but jazakAllah for the heads up
Nowadays your laptop can be manipulated in a much-more subtle way !! Check this. ############# German Security Agencies Caught Planting Spyware on Private Computers ############# Revelations by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) that German secret state agencies are installing spyware on personal computers capable of transforming a PC’s webcam and microphone into a listening device, sparked outrage across the political spectrum. It has since emerged that despite legal requirements that police do so only with a warrant and only if surveillance intercepts are used to prevent threats to “life, limb or liberty,” authorities are not complying with strict limits laid down by Germany’s Supreme Court. And while these disclosures may have ignited a political firestorm in Berlin, they will come as no surprise to readers of Antifascist Calling. Three years ago, I reported that Germany’s foreign intelligence service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst or BND, was caught up in a major scandal after the whistleblowing web site WikiLeaks, published documents which revealed that the agency had extensively spied on, and even recruited, journalists for use in illicit intelligence operations. Recalling the CIA’s long-running Operation Mockingbird program that enrolled journalists as spies in what are now euphemistically called “influence operations,” the covert manipulation of the domestic and foreign press according to WikiLeaks, showed “the extent to which the collaboration of journalists with intelligence agencies has become common and to what dimensions consent is manufactured in the interests of those involved.”
sheikhs, I would like to promote Linux or OpenBSD.