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Old 04-06-2011, 02:34 AM   #2

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Nov 2005
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I don't normally endorse salafi books, but this one's quite nice in places.
I don't agree 100% with its contents,
But some thought has gone into it

Allah(swt) bless the author
I know this particular salafi - zarbozo is a cunning little fellow - This is a common tactic of his, to draw in non-salafis, mixing 1 falsehood with 100 truths. Hes very smart and good at spreading his salafi message to naive young Muslims. I know a few brothers who were caught up in his deception - brothers who had bayat to Sheikh and were staunch proponents of Ahl sunnah - they spent some time with zarbozo who is considered a scholar amongst salafis - and after a short time the brothers renounced their bayat and tariqa, not long after that they stopped practicing Islam all tofgether (without renouncing) - fortunately they came back to the deen later after cutting off ties with zarbozo and his buddies

PS - One of Zarbozos closest friends was Anwar al Awlaki while he was here - Awalki endorsed Zarbozos books and propagated his message - so if you want to know what Awalki thinks about Deobandis, tablighis, sufis - read one of zaraBOZOs books
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