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Old 04-06-2011, 04:07 AM   #7

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Nov 2005
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boogeyman returns. can you provide your proof that about your claims. if you cannot looks like you are no different than what you accused.

This looks like your habit to go around slandering others. Nice Habib Hasan Ali Saqqaf al-Shadhilli al-Ashari trick brother MujahidAbdullah !
What proof do you want - would you like a sworn affidavid from the brothers who were lead astray by him (not that they dont bare responsibility for their actions)

or are you asking for proof that zarbozo is a salafi?

It was a low blow on my part to emphasize the BOZO in the name zarabozo - and next time I see him I will ask for forgiveness inshaAllah

From my recollection, I dont make a habbit of slandering anyone, If I do this unknowingky, please point it out to me, so I may correct my ways.

I remain quiet in regards to most people - however in this instance, zarbozo is not widley known by many, and my personal interactions with him have shown me that he uses a cunning tactic to lure in young Muslims. When I saw that bro. Akabirofdeoband said "good book, for a salafi" it reminded me of the two brothers I know who were also corrupted by him who said "I know zarabozo is a salafi, but he makes some really good points" next thing you know, those brothers are chastising me for using tasbih and not saying Ameen outloud after the fatiha.

When I was 17 - I was told I should sit with a local Sheikh who is American - his name is zarabozo. So I did, I hung out with him often. He knew I had been influenced by in my Islam by Qadri brothers - he heard me use "sufi" terminology - so he used sufi terminology to me. He quoted Imam Ghazali and Uthman Don Fodio (RA) - two men I had heard my Qadri teachers praise. He had me convinced he was not one of those wahabis I had been warned about - he even warned me to stay away from wahabis. I then began to absorb everything he taught me, I began to follow him, beleiving him to actually be a Sheikh - I was not aware of tassawuf - but was taught by the people who gave me shahdah the basic principals of tassawuf and tazkiya tu nafs, not wanting to confuse me. Zarabozo picked up where they had left off, and handed me a book he wrote calle "purification of the souls" - I read it and beleived sufis to be some kind of sect like shias or qadiyannis. Once I had been convinced sufis were bad- he began to attack the men he used to quote - I had an uneasy feeling when he began to attack the practice of halaqa dhikrs - something I took part in when I took shahadah - something that I witnessed before I took shahadah - something that upon hearing the dihkrullah, melted my heart, and was the catalyst that caused me to become Muslim.

I then went to a trusted teacher who gave me shahadah, a man who is a khalifa of my Sheikh, a man whose face shines like the moon from the amount of noor Allah has bestowed upon him. A man whose pressence changed the hard hearts of my parents, who hated Islam. Once they sat with him, they told me they wanted me to be just like him. I asked this man about what I had learned from zarabozo and his books - he showed me what zarabozo had been doing this whole time - he showed me where zarabozo was wrong, and who his teachers are (he has no teachers, he self taught).

I felt betrayed by zarabozo - I felt tricked and duped - and I have ever since, warned all new Muslims of zarabozos trickery.

This is just my personal account of him - I didnt document my time wioth him, I didnt record it so abul husein would have "evidence" to consult before I warned people about him.
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