I had an uneasy feeling when he began to attack the practice of halaqa dhikrs - something I took part in when I took shahadah - something that I witnessed before I took shahadah - something that upon hearing the dihkrullah, melted my heart, and was the catalyst that caused me to become Muslim. I then went to a trusted teacher who gave me shahadah, a man who is a khalifa of my Sheikh, a man whose face shines like the moon from the amount of noor Allah has bestowed upon him. A man whose pressence changed the hard hearts of my parents, who hated Islam. Once they sat with him, they told me they wanted me to be just like him. I asked this man about what I had learned from zarabozo and his books - he showed me what zarabozo had been doing this whole time - he showed me where zarabozo was wrong, and who his teachers are (he has no teachers, he self taught).