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Old 04-14-2011, 03:38 AM   #23

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Nov 2005
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Interesting analysis of Awlaki...

I was too young to remember his days as Imam in one of the Masjids in San Diego, but the Salafi brothers I know don't consider him a "real" Salafi (by their definition), and seem to be convinced that he was an Ikhwani using Salafism to lure people towards the Jihadi mission. And, before anyone asks, these brothers aren't Madkhali.
I would have to agree - he didnt then and doesnt now seem to fit the traditional salafi stereotype - Even when I was around him, I found it hard at first to see where he stands on the ideological spectrum. It was only when I encountered the various situations I related earlier, that i got an idea of where he stands.

As far as him being head of "Al Qaida" in yemen - I suspect Al Qaida is a made up blanket term for anyone the US hates - there are even articles and FOX news reports that my group, MOA, is connected to Al qaida - My Sheikh was original accused of beheading daniel pearl, they even made a movie about us staring Angelina Jolie. So I dont put much weight in media and govt reports on Muslims.

Shortly after the christmas day bombing attempt - the FBI came and visted me about Awlaki, trying to connect our jamaat to his based on the fact that myself and some other MOA brothers know him. These people have very little understanding of Islam itself let alone the inner dynamics of the various Muslim ideological groups. As far as im concerned, Awlaki is free from what the US accuses him of, but not free from holding some salafi and takfiri beleifs.
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