Who is Maulana Abdur-Rahman Kailani?
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01-14-2008, 04:15 AM
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Oct 2005
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Ok this is what actually happened. A mureed of Hakeem ul-Ummat Mawlana Thanwi
saw a dream where he was saying, "
La ilaha illalah, Ashraf Ali Rasool Allah
." Same thing happened to the mureed when he woke up, and he said he tried to read the Kalima correctly, but it wouldn't come out of his mouth, as he had lost control over his tongue. He was scared and confused.
So the next morning he came to Mawlana Thanwi and related the dream. So Mawlana Thanwi told him, one possible interpretation of this dream is that you really love your Shaykh.
Now Beralwis take this and do takfeer of Mawlana Thanwi? Beralwis take this and say that Hazrat Thanwi claimed Prophethood.
First of all, anything that said in the state of sleep or half sleep, a person is not responsible for it, as it is clearly stated in many hadith and books of fiqh. If a person give talaq to his wife while sleeping, it's not valid. If you accept Islam or leave it while in the state of dream, its not valid. Similir is the ruling if a person is drunk, and he utter anything kufar, he wont be held responsible for it.
Nor is there any punishment for things said by mistake or when you have no control over yourself.
Infact, a similir incident is related by Hazrat Nizam ul-Deen Chishti
about Hazrat Shaykh Shibli
Sultan al-Arifeen Siraj al-Salikeen
, that once a mureed came to Shaykh Shibli and asked to become mureed of him. Shaykh told him only on one condition. If you say, "La ilaha illalah, Shibli Rasool Allah." So the mureed did, then Hazrat told him, this was just a test for you. Why Beralwis don't do takfeer of the above Awliya for this, when one is dream, other is not a dream.
Lastly, sometimes you see a dream that might sound wrong if you the it in literel sense, but it can be given a good interpretation.
It is well known that Imam Abu Hanifa
saw a dream that he went to the grave of Prophet
and took out the blesssed body of Prophet from the grave. When Imam woke up, he was scared and sweating. He ran to his teacher and told him about the dream. So the teacher told him, if you have really seen this dream, then it means that you will follow the ahadith of Prophet and dug out the rulings of Sharia in everyway possible and spread the Sharia to different corvers of the World. As we know this interpretation came true.
This dream is related in
Tabeer al-Ruya
Tareekh al-Badhdad
Manaqib Karwari
Miftah al-Sa'ada
al-Khayrat al-Hisan
, and many more.
It is related that wife of Harood Rasheed [Queen Zubaida] saw a dream that a large group of people were engaging in a sexual act with her. She was told that it means you will do such an act that a large number of people will benefit from you. As we know she ordered that a river be dug up and large especially when Hujjaj would go to Hajj, they would benefit from this river. Its known as River Zubaida.
I can relate many similir incidents of the above sort, but for now this should be enough.
And if you can read Urdu, for more details refer to "
" by Muhaqqiq Allamah Sarfraz Khan Safdar.
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