Be grateful for ghusl, wudhu and istinja
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12-01-2011, 03:59 AM
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Oct 2005
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Be grateful for ghusl, wudhu and istinja
There are currently some non-Muslims doing construction in my home. Since they work in the house all day, they use our bathroom. I have to clean it at the end of each day because they leave a mess. They urinate while standing and, inevitably, drops of urine splash on the floor or toilet.
This got me thinking about how lucky we Muslims are that our Nabi
taught us true cleanliness. I love the feeling of doing fresh wudhu. I can't imagine how uncomfortable and miserable the lives of the kuffar must be. They have been deprived of the blessing of true purity.
When I wake up in the morning, I feel terrible if I can't do wudhu right away. If I ever have to use a public bathroom and am unable to properly do istinja, I feel restless until I get home and take a shower. But the kuffar are not in the habit of doing wudhu. They aren't familiar with cleaning their noses with water, and they certainly don't do istinja (at least not in the West).
If they hear that we use water and our left hand to clean ourselves, they're disgusted. But I ask them, if you took a shower in toilet paper, would you get clean?
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