assalam o alikom warahmatullahi wabarakatuh! i would like to tell you that i am a Muslim, hanfi and Sunni i would like to know Sunni hanfi replies as we know that celebrating eid milad un nabi is wrong its bidah! and many of us celebrate it our Prophet (SAW ) never celebrated neither did the companions.. nor the khulfa e rashideen.. neither our islamic scholors.. we know its wrong! buw i just rad that people who say prayers and naats they do get SAWAB (good deeds) they do get blessings.. but i also know that celebrating bidah is wrong.. so now em confused.. please help me will they get blessing for celebrating bid ah? will they? and also one of my friend also celebrates it. I told her its bidah! its wrong.. i said you should ask some scholar but she kept on refusing! i said i may ot be able to convince u but she's so stubborn about that! tell me how could i tell her that its wrong?? kindly reply fast