Respect and the Differences of Opinion
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11-27-2006, 11:56 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
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The Mashaaikh write that if a person is bay`at to a Shaykh in whom some action contrary to the Sunnah is supposedly observed and intends to relinquish his bay`at with such a Shaykh and become bay`at to a Shaykh who is steadfast on the Sunnah. The Mshaaikh unanimously state that Bay`at with such a Shaykh should be given up but not a single word of disrespect towards that Shaykh be uttered. Never utter an audacious statement regarding that Shaykh. It is totally impermissible to go around and publicise one's disrespect in different quarters, otherwise, damage will be done to one's spirituality.
Suppose, for instance, one differs with any Aalim on some Mas'ala, on some matter. It is totally permissible to differ on the Mas'ala when one honestly considers oneself to be on the truth but under no circumstances can it ever be permissible to react with disrespect, to jeer and mock at him. Beacause to disrespect, mock and jeer is harmful to Deen while to differ with love is the essence of Deen.
If the respected readers wish, I can perhaps do a regular podcast reading from the book and post it here.
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