Tableeg vs tasawwuf
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11-24-2011, 06:02 PM
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Oct 2005
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From the malfuzaat of hadrath maulana Ilyasji ra..
1. On one occasion he said:
The actual object of this movement is to teach the Muslims everything which our nabi (sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) brought (i.e.
To make the whole ummah acquainted with all the Islamic teachings and its practical system of implementation). This is our real
object; as for our gusht (going out to meet brothers) and movement of jamaats (groups), these are the initial means, the
encouragement and the teaching of the kalima and salaat which are the a,b,c's of this effort.
It is also obvious that the jamaats cannot do all the work. All that can be done is that they reach all places and through their efforts
awaken the people and make the negligent aware so that they may benefit from the learned people in their locality. An effort
should be made to connect the public with the ulama and pious so that they could be reformed. In every place only the local
workers can fulfil this task. The public will benefit more and more from the learned people of their locality.
However, the correct method and procedure could only be learnt from those who are long in this work and have been involved in
its learning and teaching so much so that they have reached a high degree of efficiency and have mastered its method reasonably.
2. 29
Our workers in general, wherever they go, should make efforts to visit the righteous ulema and pious persons. The intention
should only be to benefit from them and not to invite them to this work.
These people are well versed and have experienced the advantages of the deeni work they are busy with, hence you will not be
able to convince them in a wholesome way that this work is of greater benefit than their other deeni engrossments.the outcome
will be that they will not accept your explanation. Once they say "no" it will be difficult to change this "no" to "yes". Your talk
will not be heard and it is possible that you yourself will become uncertain.
Therefore meet them only to gain benefit from their auspicious company. In their locality every effort should be made to stick
closely to the principles of the work. In this way it is hoped that the reports of the progress of your work will reach them and draw
their attention. I thereafter, if they do pay attention, you should request them topatronise and supervise you and with due reverence
and respect explain the work to them.
----Tabligh is the answer. Today if I know any Ilm, Mashaikh, its due to the effort of tabligh, and yes, I
know some of the biggest of them
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