Masha Allah. How do you know this guy is interested in converting? Kufar have pitched every kind of line in order to get Muslims to do and say things that suit their ulterior motives. True submission to Allah requires that one actually knows who Allah (SWT) is. First, a person who doesnt know who Allah is not likely to convert, since Islam is about submission to and worship of Allah. Second, Jannah is for those who have gained Allah's Mercy and Forgivness at the very least, and gained his Pleasure at the very best. Its about the relationship of the individual with Allah. Third, Islam is completely in harmony and synchroncity with human nature, including human biology. Allah addresses the nature of men and the nature of women according to each gender's specific needs and design. Men are different from women. Men compliment women, but they are not identical to women. And vice versa. It is against the nature of both to presume that men and women are identical and should be treated identically. Fourth, this convert should be encouraged to convert by him coming to understand and know and love Allah and the Prophet (saaw), not discussing intricate details of the Ghayb/Akhira. Quite frankly, it may take years for this guy to deconstruct the manmade ideology which he apparently submits to; and to construct Islam in its place. May Allah guide you and him.