Folding Hands in Salah According to the Shafi` Madhab
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03-01-2011, 12:23 AM
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Oct 2005
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Read what I have mentioned carefully. If I present proof against the position for men placing hands on the chest it does not necessarily mean that is weakening our position on the ladies, yes maybe according to your half baked usool it might, but not according to our usool. Hence, I asked you to first put forward your proof since you have claimed in a number of posts that you follow SAHIH hadith. Hence, let us see that sahih hadith on the placing of the hands. In turn, Insha-Allah I will reply to the hadith you present plus provide the hanafi proof.
As for ladies, once you can establish that the hadith you follow is sahih we can discuss the hanafi view on ladies. If you yourself cannot provide proof of an action you are doing why even discuss ladies?. Until than do not waste my time by trying to the drag the discussion. Since you claim to follow Quran and Sunnah, I and (I am sure) a number of the members of the forum want to learn the way you DERIVE rulings.
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