Was Prophet Yahya and Isa free from mistakes and minor sins?
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11-22-2011, 10:59 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
what about mistakes?
did they commit mistakes?
that was the question that no one has answered
What you mean by mistakes? Errors of Judgement but which are not sins? Then such types of mistakes make have occurred. Even in the life of Rasooloollah (SAW) we have such events.An example would be when he preferred to give priority to a delegation which has come to see him rather than to a blind sahaba. Then surah Abasa was revealed to correct him (SAW) immediately. It was not a sin since for the Prophet (SAW) giving priority to the delegation was important as they have come to inquire about islam and his (SAW) mission is to spread islam.
But I will prefer not to use the term mistake but many people use it interchangeably with sins. And our aqeedah is that the Prophets (SAW) are protected against both major and minor sins
And Allah (SWT) knows best
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