akhi, please tell me-your salah relies upon that of the imaam completely. do you go & ask the imaam if he completed all the fara-idh during his salah & his shuroot or do you accept that he did it. do you ask him if he made his istinjah. the correctness of your salah depend on that of his. he would take offence wouldnt he & you expect him to follow through. so if a muslim slaugters why dont you expect him to folow through with it according to the shariah. can you prove that they do not slaughter according to the sharia or are your asuming. have you been there. & yes if the fardh is done then its done, or are you making the sunnah wajib now. & yes if he were to complete the wajib of salah then his salah is complete or do you say other wise.