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Old 07-18-2011, 11:32 PM   #6

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I don't understand what's so wrong about the poem. Surely it's not meant to be taken literally. It's poetry, after all.
what if i made a poem cursing the prophet? Would you make the same excuse? Talking filth regarding allah or his religion is kufr and unnacceptable, who in their right mind thinks this kind of kalaam would be ok, talking pure kufr like that. The holy ka'ba should not even be mentioned in the same sentence as filthy mushrik hindu temples. This also appears to be wahdatul wujood unless you have an alternate explanation of the meaning of the poem?

When salafis refute deobandis its for this very reason. There is a book called critical analysis of tablighi jama'ah and the elders of deoband. In it they dont mention madhabs, they dont even mention saying 1000 astagfirullahs and that type of stuff, because those things are minor. The whole books is filled with deobandi links to ibn arabi, rumi and the likes. I dont believe deobandis of today follow that but they need to dstance themselves completely from it because number 1 its kufr, and number 2, from experience, when i reverted to islam and looked through the groups it was deobandi links to this baatil sufism that put me off and led me to salafiyyah. Wallahi if the deobandi school distanced themselves from this they would be such a beautiful school and a great benefit to the ummah. Shirk can have no compromise however.

If i wrote poetry about your mum, wud u say whats the big deal its only poetry? Then how more so about allah and his religion, pure kufr doesnt become acceptable just because its in poetry form, otherwise what about drawing form or theatre form? Why not make the same excuse for the danish cartoons or the dutch film fitnah?
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