For your info,jihadi salafi's are a minority and have humility and respect for the deo sufis unlike you sahawi's and madkhalis. doesn't it hurt you that the snake hisham had the taliban as guests of honour where the taliban praised them and condemned....... hisham is no different to aal al faik and the wahhabi clergy,especially those in saudi and those workin for aali saud. who cares about what you want to do? who/what made you so important? that's rich coming from you regarding barelwis,coz amongst the worst collaborators with the enemies of Allah are the saudi wahhabi,or at least their religious and political leaders. so where does harris and the religious attaches fit in? do they exist within a vacuum---ok,this is beyond your level. So what's wrong with everybody elses tauheed?are they the only people who are muwahhideen? and everybody else mushrikeen? are you talking about the same goons that supported mubarak to his last??? they want to establish an islamic state? what next? with your barelwi accusations e.t.c. I must say you have a rather stale sense of humour. was salam