Lorilie as you can see us Muslims are very accommodating, patient & respectful. Please use this same attitude on a different religions forum & see how you get treated. As for Islam you do realize that there are some 73 different sects which vary considerably to the point where each sect call others non Muslims... Eg: Iran is a Shia country run by their shariah law, they have Islamic police on the streets, but also have a thing called mutah which is temporary marriage which gives men the right to have sex with prostitutes and whoever they feel like having sex with... So you see Islamic police going around making sure woman are wearing hijab, men & women together are related or married etc...but then prostitutes working the streets??? We are Sunni Muslims & don't have these rules to violate women. Yes, there are some Sunnis in some countries that marry young girls (14,15 etc) but you need to understand one thing, in the west you are judged by how much money you have or what job you have, in some countries men are actually judged on there knowledge of religion. So a 16 year old woman would rather marry a 50 year old Islamic sheikh (preist) than marry a 20 year old doctor who drives a Porsche.. To me this is beautiful, marry the personality not the pocket!