Ahmed Please delete my quote from post 22. Br. Abu Marwan The reason for me saying such things is because I am calling for developing a culture of accountability by themsleves and by the elders. In tassawuf a person giving baya would put themselves forward for correction. This is not so in TJ as the effort for most is long term training. Some even end up doing the effort out of habbit rather then genuine concern. The reason for such stance is because of lack of connection with scholars of tassawuf. I suppose this is common for everyone. I used to think the tassawuf was optional but now more i think about it, it is becomming a must for everyone. The culture of gratification, ego causes a culture of unaccoutability individually and collectively and the soecity at large suffer in every possible way. HT is finished!! Some of them are found to be mole and now do the bidding of islamophobe. i generally don't trust people who talk of politics too much. Relegion is relegated to nothing more then an ism, similar to zionism. I tend to vomit it out!! Allahualam