4 Months Tablighi Members Gathering In Bradford
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10-28-2011, 05:19 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Maybe the jamaat that Hazrat Ilyas (ra) was on would be called "islahi jamaat".
this is what i have heard many times in the past. that Moulana Ilyas (ra) said that if i was to give a name to this jamaat then it would be islahi jamaat. which then tells me that the actual purpose of TJ was not dawah but the purpose was doing ones own islah using various different methods, and tabligh (not dawah, there is no dawah in TJ) was just ONE method out of many used for doing ones own islah. the other methods in TJ for doing ones own islah being dhikr, tassawuf, learning from the ulama, doing khidmat of others, ibadah, spending time in khanqahs etc. but this is lost on most TJ's today. most think that the purpose of tabligh is DAWAH DAWAH DAWAH as they put it. and many (maybe most) TJ's forget about their own islah, especially illnesses of the heart which need great effort and guidance of a pious, learned individual to remove. a person cannot diagnose his own illnesses of the heart. a person with pride in his heart will never admit he has pride. a person who thinks he has sincerity will be very easily deceived by shaytaan.
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