Wahhahi were the followers of Shekh Abdul Wahab Najadi Sahab r.a. i think he was Hambali but the Salafis are the evolution of their predecessor (i.e. Wahhahi), and they devise their faqah (Jurisprudence) by consulting the exsiting ruling of Four Pious Imams and as well as consulting to Quran wa Hadith through Great Ullamas. However i think, their great majority still follow the ruling of Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal r.a. There is on diference in elemantry beliefs of Shekh Abdul Wahab Najadi Sahab r.a., Salafis, Deobandis and Ahlehadiees, except illiteracy and fanaticism of Ahlehadees about some establish beliefs. But there is difference in Jurisprudential approach of Deobandis, Salafi, Wahabi and Ahlehadiees: Deobandis are follower of Hanafi Jurisprudential approach Wahabis were follower of Hambali Jurisprudential approach Salafi are follower of Mixed Jurisprudential approach Ahlehadiees are follower of their illiteracy and fanaticism but they pretend as they are taking from Quran and Hadiths