sidi Celt, though we give you the respect of being an setlled user here, we dont quite give you the same rank of intellectual understanding that we would gladly accept your rash comments about our Ulama and Mufties. When I say difference of opinion within the hanafi madhab, it means that both are academically established based on the Usools of the madhab. Any ruling giving based on the accepted usools thereafter, whether severe or lineant will be according to the mufti and his faqaha, firasah and many other matter. When I say severe, from which corner of intellect do you deduce that it means enforcing that opinion on the world. Did I, Mufti Desai or other hanafi following his opinion go out on streets, throwing ppls digicams to the floor saying it is haram? La Hawla wala quwata illa billah.. Sidi, you are doing DJ'ing in the name of Islam.. from my view thats a mockery.. yet have I ever said that if you dont stop it I will do this or that. Come on sidi, come to the ground... Mufti has passed a fatwa, wellgrounded in usool, and fiqh. It is NOT a minority view unlike you make it out to be. You making that mention shows that you lack knowledge in the field.