[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="4"]Asalaamualaykum. interesting how you have to result in open personal attacks which is inself a form of fitna and with the blessed month about to befall upon us you have to stir up the pot again with personal red herrings. What i do as an established musician actually has nothing at all to do with this topic of ijtihaad on webcams, plus from the point of veiw from my own teacher shaykh ali laraki , he doesnt judge me for what i do because he is one of those few who knows what becomes of my hard work as a performer and light entertainer. Plus lets get some fact straigh shall we no? I am not a Dj nor do i work in scumy clubs, i perform at festivals and music venues which is worlds apart from night club filled with drunken idiots. The alternative music scene i am involved in is the total opposite to mainstream commercial garbage, the people i play to are open minded anti globalist and anti consumerist which are the best people for me to communicate with through my artform which is an expression of my hearts desire for ALLAH and his messenger Sayyiduna Muhammad [saw].