The Deobandi Scholars of South Africa
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11-08-2011, 06:27 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Brothers, I feel the answer has already been given by Brother SeekerofGuidance in his link that contained an e-mail from Maulana A S Desai. I will reproduce part of that e-mail below and
it may assist.
"When a person always adopts the practice of reflection before action,
then after some time Allah Ta'ala bestows to him the capacity of swift
detection of any thief which may be lurking in his heart. When we
criticize those whom we believe are on baatil, we should do so with
trepidation, recite Istighfaar and think deeply before the criticism
to ascertain whether the criticism is indeed motivated by Ikhlaas and
by a concern for the Haqq.
It is best and safest for laymen to strictly adhere to the issue and
not deflect therefrom. For example, when you criticize Sanha, only
point out to them their flaws, their errors and the harm they are
causing with their halaalization projects. Do not degenerate to a
personal level where you will brand them with labels and epithets in
the way in which we (Mujlisul Ulama) do. We have our own Deeni agenda
and we understand what we are doing. It is not for everyone to adopt
our methodology."
Fro those who feel thatharsh lanuguage was not used by the salaf then I will again reproduce what Imam Ghazzali has advised,
“The Salaf of the Ummah of Sayyiduna Muhammad agreed to condemn people with deviant ideas, and to abandon them and cut relations with them,
and to be hard in rebuking them
, but to be mild in disagreements of juristic details.” (Mustasfa, Pg 350).
Maulan A S Desai normally reserves his most harsh language for those who are deliberately intent on transmogrification of the Shariah or to those who are perpetrating acts in violation of the Shariah and who then use a myriad of excuses and 'deeni' smoskecreens to cover up. Again if this type of language is not your cup of tea then people are not made to read his works. Please desist and read the works of many other Ulama-e-Haqq whose writing is more suitable for you.
If you still feel that a clarification is required then I personally request those who wish for clarity to e-mail Maulana A S Desai direct. His e-mail is
He is most accessible and
will respond to your e-mails.
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