Shah Waliullah, Uthman Dan Fodio, Emir Abdel Qadir: Tajdid, Taqlid and Ijtihad...
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11-05-2011, 10:03 PM
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Oct 2005
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Posted by JayshAllah
Can I ask who exactly is Shah Ismail Shaheed to the Deobandis? Is he considered one of the Deobandi akabir?
And what do Salafis consider him?
Sorry for such a basic question.
He was born on 12th of Rabi al-Awwal 1193 Hijri / 29 April 1779 in U.P India. Fathers' name was Shah Abdul Ghani Muhaddith Dehlawi (may Allah have mercy on him) who was son of Imam Shah Waliuallah Dehlawi (may Allah have mercy on him). He studied under his uncle Imam Shah Abdul Aziz Delhwi (may Allah have mercy on him) as well as his uncle Shah Abdul Qadir Muhaddith Dehlawi (may Allah have mercy on him). He had memorized all the books that were part of the curriculum and also was hafidh of 30000 ahadith.
He was Hanafi in fiqh and followed the Naqshbandi school of tasawwuf. He held few views that were contrary to the offical fatwa of Hanafi madhab like doing rafa al-yadain and this might be the reason why some ghayr muqallidins claim him to be one of them.
During that time there were numerious biddahs that were considered to be part of Din. He stood up and did jihad bil-qalm against these biddahs and
as a result of this certain individuals started to label him a Wahhabi. They knew that it is not possible to refute him with proofs but labelling him a Wahhabi would turn many laymen against him.
After Shah Abdul Aziz declared India to be dar al-harb, he did bayat of jihad at the hands of Imam Sayyid Ahmad Shahidh (may Allah have mercy on him) and both were martyred in Balakot during a battle with Sikhs in 1831.
Umar i think this is basic stuff for u. It may be useful to others visiting the thread inshaa Allah
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