rather than trying to boycott ALL israeli products which will be very difficult to do, instead have a worldwide muslim campaign to boycott 10 israeli products which will be relatively easy to do. the whole muslim world boycotts the same 10 products. if this happens then a gap in the market opens which can then be filled by a muslim company. so all the muslims move from 10 israeli products to 10 muslim products of the same type. the muslim companies that produce the 10 products should only buy from and take work from muslim companies and staff. also muslim shop keepers should be encouraged to swap the 10 israeli products for the muslim products, which would be better for them anyway if their muslim customers are boycotting the 10 israeli products and also it will induce others to buy the 10 muslim products. so now we have made an impact against israeli products and we have strengthened muslim companies and muslim workers. after this we can boycott another 10 companies and so forth...