Why aren't men allowed to wear red or gold?
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10-31-2011, 04:05 AM
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Oct 2005
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"All colours are permissible in clothing for, and the best is green because it is the clothing of the people of jannah." - Al-Fiqh al-Hanafi fi thawbihi al-jadid.
This ruling applies to men and women.
The reason that the ulema give for the prohibition is that the dye of some red clothing used to be mixed with impurities.
In the battle of 'Uhud Abu Dujanah (may Allah be pleased with him) was wearing a rned turba, Zubayr (may Allah be pleased with him) was wearing a bright yellow turban and Husab (may Allah be pleased with him) was wearing a green turban
Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reports: “I saw the Messenger of Allah performing wudhu. He had on a “Qitri” turban. When performing the wiping of the head, without untying the turban, he entered his hand beneath it and wiped the front portion of his head.” (Abu Dawud) “Qitri” – This is a type of thick coarse cloth which has an element of redness in it. Perhaps this is attributed to the place of “Qatar”. From this narration the permissibility of wearing red turbans can be ascertained. (Bazl-ul-Majhud Vol.1).
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