im sorry but can you please highlight the part where i said i wanted to judge his crimes. i want to find out if his people had a real justification to rebel against him or if the rebellion was instigated by outside influences for an ulterior motive. anyone that wants to stick their head in the sand can move along and go to another thread. if you dont like this thread then go please. this includes moulana taliban and amr. seeing that this thread has already gone off topic from the very first reply, can any of you accusing me of trying to judge ghaddafi actually show me where i said i wanted to judge him? or did you hazrats judge me without even knowing what is in my heart? or maybe i am mistaken. maybe you hazrats have kashf and you looked into me heart and saw all the dirt i have in my heart against ghaddafi that i wanted to drag his name through dirt even after his death? mashallah you guys are beyond the level of angels.