Thread: Drugs
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Old 10-26-2011, 04:18 AM   #14

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im trying to understand the difference between using non-khamr intoxicants in the right way and in the wrong way.

if a person uses a non-khamr intoxicant in the right way then his 40 days ibadat would be accepted right?
and if he uses it in the wrong way then 40 days ibadat would not be accepted?

what are the sharee punishments for consuming khamr in this world and what are the punishments in the next world?
what are the sharee punishments for consuming non-khamr (in the wrong way) in this world and what are the punishments in the next world?

sorry for asking so many questions but they are very valid in this day and age especially to educate the youth.

Khamr : If you consume even a drop or sip, it is wajibul hadd. i.e if you are found guilty of it then the imam/Ameer will give you lashes.
If you get the lashes, then you will inshAllah not be punnished in akhira since you have already paid for your crime.
If you do not get lashes, then the sin of it will be judged by Allah. I do not remember about what the ukhrawi punishment is, but it will be much more severe than what one may get in this world.

Non-Khamr : It is permissible in smaller quantities which does not intoxicate, provided its not done out of futility (lahwan) etc. However the ruling of khamr will apply on the "intoxication" in it.
If you drink without any need, and get drunk then you will be given hadd if your are found guilty of it.
If you drink and no one finds out, then your judgement will be by Allah. Getting drunk (intoxicated) is same haram as drinking khamr.

The alcoholic drinks of today are made solely for the purpose of getting drunk. So there is no reason for drinking them. Unless there is a shar'i need, like you are on the verge of death by thirst and only thing you have is khamr, then ijazah will be given to drink it to the level of regaining composure.

Ethanol or ethyl alcohol have become a umum bulwaa now. It has become difficult to avoid their usage. For this reason and for the fact that this ethanol is non-khamr anyway, the small quantities are given permissibility. This is aside from the fact that it is inconceivable to get drunk with the minute amounts in solvents etc.

xFZ3k8Mw is offline


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