i don't know how this loan stuff works, most people in the UK for example have a house on interest, some of them are using Islamic mortgages but others argue this is the same thing they have just disguised the interest as profit but you end up paying the same if not more on top the house value with renting people say that its not as secure because one day you will need to retire and won't be able to afford the rent any more so its better to buy a house and pay off the mortgage by the time you retire then there are taking loans from Muslims, but the value of money is always decreasing so if someone was to lent me 80K 10 years ago, i could have got a house with that, then when i finally pay it back 10years later the house prices have gone up to 250K so that money then doesn't have the same value it had 10years ago it's like they have set up such a system that there is no way out