thinking of ditching the maddhab
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10-25-2011, 03:39 AM
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Oct 2005
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for example, here is a sunniforum thread discussing imam abu hanifa's oppinion that loud dhickr was an innovation:
Imaam Abu Hanifah said, "Stick to the narrations and the way of the Salaf, and beware of newly-invented matters for all of it is innovation." [Sawnul Mantaq of as-Suyuti p32]
There are quite a few statements, I even heard he said that uttering intention was bid'ah although I couildnt find teh reference for it.
Can anyone provide any evidence of imam abu hanifa rahimahullah ever doing an act that doesnt have a direct link to the actions of rasuulullah SAW? I never saw any ruling that he gave that wasnt because he believed this was the practice of
the prophet muhammad salallahu alayhi wassalam
and here is a barelwi website which reasons that because practical improvements like books, schools and tashkeel were introduced, that somehow this justifies making up new acts of worship that was unknown to the salaf:
(sorry had to throw that in there)
Bid'ah means to create a new act of worship that wasnt from the practice of the salaf. LIke spinning around on the spot and believing this will earn you the reward of Allah
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