legs to legs and shoulder's to shoulders during namaz in jamath..
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09-20-2011, 05:08 AM
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Oct 2005
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Joining the ankles adjacent to the neighbor in prayer is part of the 'Salafi' made up Fiqh.
Salafi Shaykh, Ibn al-'Uthaymeen clearly says regarding the hadith:
، وليس معنى ذلك أن يلازم هذا الإلصاق ويبقى ملازماً له في جميع الصلاة .
ومن الغلو
في هذه المسألة ما يفعله بعض الناس من كونه يلصق كعبه بكعب صاحبه ويفتح قدميه فيما بينهما حتى يكون بينه وبين جاره في المناكب فرجة فيخالف السنة في ذلك، والمقصود أن المناكب والأكعب تتساوى .
"....It does not mean that he should continue this joining and remain so for the whole salah.
From the extremism that has occurred with regard to this issue is what is done by some people in that one of them will join his ankle to the ankle of his companion, and he will spread his feet so far apart until there is a gap between his shoulder and the shoulder of his companion, so he will oppose the Sunnah by doing that. But the aim is that the shoulders and ankles should be in line with each other."
Iv been to a Salafi Masjid in my locality where they have it plastered on the wall (poster) clearly saying please join the ankles in Jama'ah (along with mentioning shoulders).
I was like, WOW! Subhan-Allah.
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