1- are you saying biddah is only actions and events 2- if we must follow the prophet s.a.w and invent no new biddah regradless of good or bad then why has most of the ummah invented new biddahs in religion that were not there at the prophets s.a.w lifetime. 3- good and bad biddahs according to famous scholars Imam Nawawi writes that there are certain types of Bid’ah. Two of them are Bid’ah Sayyiah and Bid’ah Hasanah. Bid’ah sayyiah is a Bid’ah that opposes the Qur’an and sunnah and Bidah Hasanah is a Bid’ah that is not against the Qur’an or Sunnah. For example: To invent the usool (principle) of Hadeeth, usool of Fiqh, usool of Tafsir etc. [Tahzeeb al Asma wal lughaat word Bid’ah by Imam Nawawi] here clearly imam anawwawi states that there are good and bad biddahs and he r.a. also gave a example there are many other examples of such scholars