عن أبي هريرة قال وعدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم غزوة الهند فإن أدركتها أنفق فيها نفسي ومالي فإن أقتل كنت من أفضل الشهداء وإن أرجع فأنا أبو هريرة المحرر Hazrat Abu Huraira says "Rasool Allah promised us Ghazwat ul Hind, so If find it, I will spend my life and wealth in it, if i get killed I will be from the best of Shaheeds, and If I return safely I will be "Freed Abu Huraira" (from hell)" Just like the people who go to lengths to prove that Khurasaan also includes Pakistan, I was wondering does Hind include Pakistan? Would this war be against Pakistan also?