Drop the word "Reptilians " which is a distraction used to show the truth-seekers as paranoids. And focus on " The Merchant of Venice ". Have you read the novel ? Bankers from Venice ........... Some Italians are very clever !!! ########## http://www.schillerinstitute.org/fid...52_venice.html The currently ending 500-year cycle in European history, which came to the surface during the Fifteenth century, has been determined by the emerging conflict between the two leading forces within European culture during that century. On the one side, there were the forces of the Golden Renaissance, centered around such figures as Cardinal Nicolaus of Cusa and the 1439-40 Council of Florence. On the opposing side, was the re-emerging power of the Venice-centered European aristocratic and financier oligarchy. ... All European history since the Fifteenth century within Europe and globally, has been dominated by the cultural conflict between the radiated influence of the Renaissance and the opposing, Venice-launched force of the so-called ‘Enlightenment.’ ##########