I have always been sure of the idea that Deobandi version of Tasawwuf is impractical. It is evident from this article that though Deobandis agree with the sufis on the basic tenets of Tasawwuf , the Sufis (yet to be decided that who has the authority to speak for the Sufis , representing the whole) are not ready to accept Deobandis as Sufis. They are repeating the century old allegation of being 'Wahabi' against them. One has to look deeper into the issue to understand this contradiction.The basic question which has to be addressed is that though Deobandis accet Ibn Al Arabi as shaykh e Akbar , the Jamhoor of Deobandi Akabir has accepted Wahdat ul Wujood , they accept the validity of many so called Silsilaas of Tasawwuf etc but why are they still being called Wahabis? A Deobandi will say that these are the 'fake sufis' who call us Wahabis but who are they to call someone a fake Sufi? Their is no agrred upon text of Sufism so that one can use it to classify someone as being real or fake. The tradition of Tasawwuf has been very diverse and its not a monolithic tradition at all. The real reason for these allegations in my view is that Deobandis have somewhat tried to establish Islam through Jihhad and Tabligh while Tasawwuf has historically served as an opposition to the practical Islam. Even the conflict can be seen with in the Deobandis. Sufis vs Tablighi and orthodox Ulama vs Pir Zulifiqar Ahmed Naqashbandi vs orthodox Ulama are some good examples. The converse of the following verse has occurred. Shab ko mai khoob pee, subh ko tauba kar li Rind kay rind rahay, haath say jannat na gayee