Why do you believe Islam is the true Religion ?
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10-17-2011, 07:33 AM
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Oct 2005
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Muhammad(pbuh) was known for telling the truth.
how should that answer constitute evidence ? anyone can come and tell you, that he is telling you the truth......
Even before he started to receive the message, the people called him "Al-Amin"(the honest/truthful). they could call him whatever they wanted. That does not constitute evidence at all. Many other religion founders are called so as well......
He performed many miracles. There are many people, performing miracles as well...... even today.
[/QUOTE]He came and presented the same message as Jesus and Moses[/QUOTE]
that is definitively NOT true. Jesus said, the father send him to die on the cross for the sins of all humanity. Did Muhammad confirm this ?
and never claimed to be anything beyond a man who is the Prophet and Messenger of the one true God. Anyone can call himself so. Even the flying Spaghetti Monster.
Some better, hard evidence on hand ?
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