Understanding Ibn Arabi
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10-20-2011, 08:50 AM
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Jan 2006
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Dr. Ati
Sure these were men of great learning, however they were not known to be from the men of tasawwuf, even though a couple of them ventured in to that field somewhat. And several of them were Ibn Taymiyya's students, so they had similar views in many if not most things. But let's be fair, some Žulama, also prominent, like al-Subki, went into takfir of Ibn Taymiyya. So he is not free from blame himself. And as you may know, he also casted doubts as to whether Ibn ŽArabi had indeed written these things or not. So Allah knows best as to how carefully he had looked in to the matter before making takfir of Shaykh al-Akbar, quddisa sirrahu 'l-Žaziz.
As for reconciliation... One of my teachers, who is a Hanbali Mufti, has written a commentary on Fusus al-Hikam. It is not yet published, so unfortunately I cannot share it with you. If I find time within the next couple of days I will try to summarise his explanations. But even then, you will need to have a certain insight to be able to grasp its fuller meanings.
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