Warning Against Foreign Efforts to Foment Discord Between Shia and Sunni
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10-18-2011, 05:10 PM
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Oct 2005
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I've read several books from Shiite who attempt to guide Sunnis to their side. This includes Ask Those who Know from Al Tijani.
The allegations, evidences, positions are simply inferior intellectually. And Ali ibn Abi Talib (rah) himself loved the the sahaba who today's Shiite revile. Two of his sons are named Abu Bakr and Umar. So who are you following? What are you doing?
What is Shiism today?
It's well known that Shiism began spreading and growing after the British empire began influencing and shaping the Persian state under the Qajar regime, getting the Shia rulers to sign away large swathes of Muslim territory while allowing the British to set up schools and shape Persian thinking. In fact, Shia led Persia was bolstered by the British as a front against the Uthmani sultan.
What is Iran today?
Is it the embodiment of Shiism? Because if I recall correctly, Khomeini admitted that he FAILED.
And how about the growing number of Iranians converting to other religions, including reviving Zorastarianism?
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