Zaidis: the missing link?
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10-19-2011, 04:57 AM
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Oct 2005
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The conclusion of Fiqh al-Aal was that, although Sunnis didn't neglect the fiqhi positions of the Aal 'alayhim ridhwan Allah, the 12er sources agree with the sunni sources in most cases, hence we should respect the 12er religion as a valid way of worship and fiqhi madh-hab. I totally disagree.
He doesn't actually examine the asaanid, and restricts himself to fiqhi opinions mentioned by the 12er scholars. To be fair, he says that this does not necessarily hold true for beliefs, and that he is releasing another book "'Aqaa'id al-Aal" soon regarding that.
The bottom line is that mere conformity of some narrations between the sunni and shi'ah sources does not mean that they're science of hadith was up-to-scratch. Rather, their simillarity with the shafi'i madh-hab, for example, was due to political ties. The problems with their ruwwat becomes even more apparant when dealing with their beliefs which clearly do not reflect the views of the Aal 'alayhim ridhwan Allah (as the author himself alludes to).
The shi'ah are parading the book on their forums saying "This Sunni 'Alim has given victory to the madh-hab of Ahl al-Bayt (12erism)" etc
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