Zaidis: the missing link?
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10-19-2011, 06:40 AM
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Jan 2006
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As-salamu ´alaykum,
It is true that the Twelver sources find agreement within the Four Madhaheb for most Fiqh issues, but it becomes problematic when they do not have a preserved Usul by the Mujtahid Imams, and the one their later scholars developed is flawed, and the practitioners (their ´ulama) are unreliable to put it mildly. Obviously, as you know, their Ulum al-Hadith is a joke... and to add to that, even Khamenei admits that their oldest and most important books of ´Ilm al-Rijal have been tampered with, and they are full of contradictions... We find the same supposed author strengthening a narrator in one place, and weakening him in another, all in the same book. Marvelous! What a foundation to stand on. Then again, ´ilm al-rijal doesn't carry that much weight with them anyway.
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